Workplace Challenge

Welcome to our community of running enthusiast – My Running Coaches!

My name is Olivier Roy-Baillargeon. I am both a coach and an athlete, and I will follow you for the next three months to help you achieve and surpass your objectives.

Who am I? In a nutshell… I am an ultrarunner and a coach, with a passion for science. I dream of the day when I will toe the line of a marathon with my daughter Camille, and I hope I will keep running daily, at least until I turn 100.

To motivate you to exercise and have fun, my colleagues and I have designed motivating and stimulating training programs, light-years away from a one-size-fits-all approach. We have designed these programs as coaches, and we have applied them to ourselves as high-level athletes. It is our secret recipe to make you enjoy training to be the best… at getting better.

Fill the form and the training programs will be sent to you. Then take a minute to pick the challenge that suits you best in the list !

Your training plan in 1 click !

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